How to administer cognitive testing
Print the “Cognitive Performance Test Tracker”
Put client’s name on the top​
Put current date on the top
Testing usually consists of 2 appointments
Complete the first 5 assessments on the first appointment​
Complete the last 6 assessments on the second appointment.
Have the “Cognitive Performance Test Tracker” in the office with the client for both testing appointments. Have them check off the assessments as they complete them.
Use “BMPC003” Computer
Start computer
Open Chrome Browser
Navigate to
Enter Client Login Information. This is the login information in the clients file.
User Name = First Initial of First Name, Last Name, and 4 Digit Number​
Password = 4 Digit Number
Example = jkindgren0048
Click on Cognitive Tab – This displays all of the testing the client will take.
Explain to the Client:
Click on the overview to get an explanation of what the test is.​
Click on Practice to take a brief practice test
Click on Start Test to complete the assessment
After first assessment, move on to next assessment and repeat steps above.​
On first appointment, tell client to come to front window to verify their next testing appointment after they finish the 5th assessment.
On second appointment, have client come to front window to verify their next counseling or neurofeedback appointment.