Deposition Request Procedure
Create Admin Note for deposition request and note ANY and ALL follow up for this request. Date and initial each note.
Notify CK that a deposition has been requested. Pull chart and put in “Show to CK” folder.
Discuss with CK to determine number of hours to quote for record review and deposition.
Call requestor to inform them of quote for services including records review, equipment set-up, and deposition. Inform them that ANY required time must be requested and reserved prior to meeting. No over-time will be allowed.
Once confirmed that they would like to move forward with scheduling a time for the deposition, speak with provider being deposed to identify three days of availability.
Call and offer availability and provide a deadline for the date we would like the payment received by.
Block out dates of availability offered in Office Ally. Highlight in BLUE.
Once a date is confirmed for the deposition, re-confirm all details for the day of the meeting.
Payment/Charge (hourly rate X sum of hours required for set-up, tear down, records review, and deposition)​
Time and location of meeting
Time reserved for set-up and deposition
Verify that payment has been received prior to deposition.
After deposition, scan Admin Note and all attached paperwork into patient’s electronic file into a file labeled “Deposition [date of deposition].” If file does not exist, create it.