Know how to administer the daily progress tracker
Client will fill out this inventory on the Amazon fire Tablet or the Apple Ipad in the waiting room.
Open up the silk browser (Fire) or Safari browser (Ipad) and navigate to
Enter Client Login Information. This is the login information in the clients file.
User Name = First Initial of First Name, Last Name, and 4 Digit Number​
Password = 4 Digit Number
User Name: jkindgren0048​
Password: 0048
Click on Progress Tracking tab
Click on Continue Tracker (next to most recent create date)
Give the Fire or Ipad to the client and explain the following:
Please read the rating scale at the top and fill this out.​
Click Save when finished and bring pad back to front desk
If need be when pad comes back click OK
Click log out in top right corner of screen