Knowledge of how to print a progress note for the next day
From “Appointments – Daily View [Providers/Staff]
Find patient on schedule​
Hover over small yellow folder in top right corner of patient’s time slot
Click ‘Edit Patient’
Click on tab labeled ‘Documents’
In the list under ‘Document Title’, find the progress note you wish to print (NFB or regular).
Click the corresponding dog-eared page icon under the ‘View’ column.
In the popup screen, click the printer icon in the top right of preview window, not the print button in the top left.
Then press ‘Print’
Second option:
Click tab labeled “Manage Patients”​
Type patient’s last name in search box
Hit <enter> or search
Click on patient
Click on tab labeled ‘Documents’
In the list under ‘Document Title’, find the progress note you wish to print (NFB or regular).
Click the corresponding dog-eared page icon under the ‘View’ column.
In the popup screen, click the printer icon in the top right of preview window, not the print button in the top left.
Then press ‘Print’
Place progress note and corresponding charge sheet in patients chart and stack on cabinet for the next day.